It’s the 15th of the month which means it’s time for a new Beautiful Blossoms Challenge! Here’s this month’s mood board:

This month was full of such beautiful bold and bright pinks that I ran with that. And the cacti on the table made me think this was a perfect match! It’s actually one of the pages out of my old planner that I thought I could upcycle and make into a pretty card. And I’m so glad I saved it because it’s so cute!

Thanks for stopping by, can’t wait to see what inspires you from this month’s mood board!
lovies, =o) kel
Fabulous way to use an old planner page! It’s a lovely image, great interpretation of the mood board and all around gorgeous card! Thanks for creating such a lovely project for the <a href="https://beautifulblossomschallenge.blogspot.com/"<Beautiful Blossoms Challenge
Donna xx